Gear Up For Big BANG Camp

Monday, June 9, 2008

Guys! Let's gear up and prepare ourselves for this camp. Let's step out and make a difference in the life of our friends and be a blessing to them. These are what Darryl had said yesterday after service during the camp briefing:

Camp Etiquette - The Jesus DNA!
1. Have a great attitude at all times
    a. Be accepting of ALL campers
    b. Be enthusiastic
    c. Be supportive
    d. Mind your language
    e. Be gentle
    f. Be teachable

2. Spiritual
    a. Recharge yourself - pray in the spirit
    b. Be an example for Christ - be a good testimony

3. Be sharp
    a. Watch out for ways to serve - take care of each other
    b. Look out for the needs of fellow campers, especially friends
    c. "Discussion time"

Camp Tools
1. The 5 love languages
    a. Affirm
    b. Be with them
    c. Care/ cuddle
    d. Do
    e. Endow

2. The ABCs of Salvation
    a. Accept - We have sinned and need a Saviour
    b. Believe - Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried and rose again
    c. Confess - Our own sin and need for a Saviour

Let's chew on it, commit to it and work as a family. This camp is gonna be REAL GREAT! Let's CHIONG ah!!